4 Ways to Improve the Air Quality in Your Home

If someone in your household regularly suffers from allergies or sinus problems, there could be issues with the quality of air. Including the time you’re asleep, you’re breathing the air inside your home more than any other, making it vital that it be clean and healthy.
The good news is, there are a few small, easily affordable changes you can make to reduce dust and purify your home’s environment. Pollutants are either trapped inside your home or traveling inside through your air ducts. By making these small changes, you can remove the bad sources from your home’s interior and keep bad substances out.
1. Clean Your Air Conditioner
Many heating and air companies offer twice-yearly maintenance options, cleaning your system and checking for problems. Wait until the outdoor temperature is warm enough to test your unit while also being cool enough to turn off power to your air conditioner while you clean it. Open the blower compartment and, using a vacuum with a soft bristle attachment, remove all dust and debris that has gathered on the condenser fins. There are detailed instructions on this video that can help but if you’re feeling uncertain, contact a local HVAC repair company to schedule a cleaning.
2. Invest in an Air Purifier
An air purifier can dramatically improve the air quality in your home. However, not all air purifiers are alike. Different types of air purifiers eliminate different types of pollutants so before you begin shopping around, it might be best to determine the allergens that are impacting your family. There also might be certain types of pollutants that are specific to your region of the country. A HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter removes more than 99.7 percent of all airborne particles, including those as small as 0.3 microns.
3. Buy Houseplants
Plants do more than add to the aesthetic value of your home. They can help reduce volatile organic compounds in a home’s air, as well as cutting indoor ozone, which is the main component in air pollution. The best type of plants for your home largely depends on the type of pollution found in your air, as well as the area of your home in which it will be located. Some plants are great for reducing the effects of chemicals found in cleaning products while others are good at removing car exhaust.
4. Clean Regularly
If you tend to go weeks without sweeping and dusting your home, you may be suffering from more than a messy house. Dust particles can linger in the air, impacting the health of your family. In addition to dusting, sweeping, and mopping, change your air filter on a monthly basis to make sure air is being properly filtered.
If you’re experiencing allergens, these small changes can make a big difference. For best results, have an allergy test performed to determine exactly which particles are causing a problem. By identifying the culprits, you’ll be able to directly address them and avoid spending a great deal of time and money on ineffective solutions.